By Hassan Y Koroma


Former All People’s Congress (APC) Deputy Leader in Parliament, Hon. Ibrahim Ben Kargbo, has said that now that President Julius Maada Bio has appointed his full Cabinet and ignored the burning issues at hand; it has put his Presidency into crisis.

He said the ministers appointed had to face Parliament for approval and that if the APC did not participate in the vetting process, they would not be credible ministers.

He disclosed that the international Parliaments would not accept a one-sided Parliament, as the APC was still refusing to accept the outcome of the June 24 elections.

Hon. I.B Kargbo continued that the current situation in Sierra Leone was worrisome; adding that many countries that were in a state of crisis in Africa at the moment had electoral problems which exploded into crises or civil wars. He stated that they did not want Sierra Leone to go that path.

The APC Deputy Leader in Parliament noted that the APC was a big political party and that for it to reject the June 24 elections results would have far-reaching implications, especially when the European Union (EU) and other Donor Partners of Sierra Leone were also not happy with the final results.

On the 1973 incidence when the SLPP withdrew from the general elections, Hon. Kargbo said it was unlike the 2023 general elections as most of the things that happened at that time could not be acceptable now.

The former APC Member of Parliament was addressing a press conference at his Pultney Street office in central Freetown.