By Mohamed K. Turay

Accountability Now-Sierra Leone in collaboration with the Consumer Protection Agency last Friday commemorated World Telecommunications Day on the theme: “Improving Sierra Leone Digital Technology”.

Speaking to journalists at Fort Street in Freetown the head of Accountability Now-Sierra Leone, William Sao Lamin, said that the commemoration of the day was inspired by President John F. Kennedy when he sent a special message to the US Congress on 15 March 1962 during which time he formally addressed the issue of Consumers’ Rights and the first world leader to do so.

Mr Sao Lamin also said that the slogan during that time was: “Know your rights before buying the product; you don’t live to buy”. He also stated that the day had been celebrated since 17 May 1969 which was when “the International Telecommunications Union was founded and the signing of the first International Telegraph Convention”.

He explained that both the World Telecommunications and Information Society Day were being celebrated annually to help raise awareness of the possibilities  and importance  of internet  operations systems and that it had been the case since 2006 with the first theme being “advocating for Global Cyber Security” whilst last year’s theme  was  “Improving Digital Global Technology”.

William Sao Lamin noted that in Sierra Leone, the National Telecommunications Authority and the Ministry of Information and Communications had developed strategies towards an inclusive cyberspace with plans to develop the country’s National Cyber Security Strategy. He noted that empowering consumers through clean energy transactions had the objectives to enhance global awareness of the consumers’ rights, consumers’ protection and empowerment in the use of telecommunication facilities.

“Accountability Now-Sierra Leone, Consumer Protection Agency and CSOs partners have been  overwhelmed  by concerns on consumers’ rights and the global phenomenon to harmonize tariff and which by all indications should be far  above  the reach of the masses”, William Sao Lamin stated.

On behalf of his organisation, Mr Sao Lamin recommended that “the Universal Access Development Fund should reach out to communities without mobile network coverage”, saying that NMOs should further improve their coverage in hard-to-reach communities in Kailahun, Moyamba and Koinadugu Districts.

He also recommended that “NATCA provides support in enhancing consumers’ understanding about the Digital Global Technology in which Sierra Leone is key”.

William Sao Lamin ended by stating that the Ministry of Information and Communications should increase community awareness about the Global Cyber Security with full investment in CSOs and the government to take punitive actions on the abuse of social media, especially as elections were around the corner.

Michael I. Kabia from the Consumer Protection Agency said the UADF had not been living up to expectations. He called on them to start being productive, especially when they were receiving much needed support.