Reports reaching this press state that the Sierra Leone Police are alleged to have declared one Alusine Kamara wanted for allegedly taking part in the 10 August 2022 riot in Freetown, in which about six police personnel were murdered in cold blood and a good number of civilians also lost their lives.

The aftermath of what is now known as August 10th was massive arrests of persons mainly from the main opposition, the All People’s Congress (APC), and subsequent trials with the Sierra Leone Police later publishing a “Wanted List” of those who were believed to be behind it or to have taken part in the riot.

One of those who are reported to be “wanted” is one Alusine Kamara, an active social media blogger for the APC and a businessman who, until his disappearance, was staying at No.346 Bai Bureh Road, Calaba Town, east end of Freetown.

He is alleged to be one of the supporters who incited other young people via his social media postings to take to the streets, which eventually led to the deaths of six police personnel and scores of civilians.

Reports indicate that several attempts allegedly made by the police to arrest him failed as he is said to have fled the country.

Family sources earlier on informed this newspaper that they had allegedly come under several threats from the police who are reported to be still looking for Alusine. They noted that Alusine’s involvement in the riot was due to the conduct of the current government, rise in prices of basic commodities, tax increases and injustices in the country.

Before the August 10 incident, Alusine Kamara was a grassroots supporter of the APC, commenting on national issues especially the injustice on his patty’s supporters countrywide.

He is said to be a peaceful and law abiding young man but a strong advocate against injustice and abuses of fundamental human rights.

Alusine Kamara is also reported to have escaped with one Fatima Kadija Thaimu Kamara, an eight-year-old daughter of his elder brother under his care.