One of the flagbearer candidates for the main opposition, the All People’s Congress (APC), Ambassador Omrie Golley is set to launch four Irrigation Agriculture Training centres countrywide.

The agric-education demonstration centres will be used to teach modern irrigation methods to local communities in Port Loko (Northwest Region); Bumbuna (Northern Region); Kenema (Eastern Region); and Bo (Southern Region).

In October 2022, Ambassador Omrie Golley himself turned the sod for the construction of the four centres in the midst of warm reception. He promised the people of Sierra Leone that the centres would be up and running within the shortest possible time.

So far, information is that an expert from one of the world’s leading irrigation companies, NETAFIM, was in the country to do test installation of all dripping kits in the various centres across the country. The centres are now fully furnished and ready for operation.

The team of Golley Agriculture SL Limited, together with the irrigation experts, have compiled a training manual for courses on irrigation and dripping system. The training of locals will be done on a pro-bono basis (for free) and it will not cost prospective students anything.

Meanwhile Ambassador Omrie Golley, using innovative techniques that combine education and the use of specialized advanced and modern techniques in agriculture, will start to address the issue of food insufficiency in the country.

According to the UN’s World Food Programme, 2.2 million people in Sierra Leone are chronically hungry, with 1.6 million people acutely hungry. By promoting modern farming technologies, which offer a more sustainable method of farming, Ambassador Omrie Golley aims to increase food security in Sierra Leone, and foster economic development through agricultural exports.