Sierra Leone’s leading Sports Betting and Lottery Company, Mercury International, yesterday made the first biggest winning payout of the year, splashing out three million, three hundred and Ninety-five thousand, four hundred and ninety thousand Leones (NLE 3,395,490) or three billion, three hundred and ninety-five million, four hundred and ninety Old Leones (Le3, 395,490,000) to a total of 4,138 (four thousand, one hundred and thirty-eight) winners.

Tuesday’s night National Draw Edition 231 was the producer of such a huge winning for 4138 customers from across the country, with the drop of “32, 23” balls in Turbo two. The winning balls were; 32-23-82-19-79 {(Extra 6- (15) Extra-7 (8).

The draw also produced the highest individual winning of NLe 27,350 (twenty-seven thousand, three hundred and fifty thousand New Leones) or Le 27, 350,000 (twenty-seven million, three hundred and fifty thousand Leones old Leones).

The win came just almost a month after the historic win in December which was the biggest and highest ever in the history books of the Lotto draw in Sierra Leone as the Mercury Daily Special Draw dropped popular balls, 18-81 which falls within Turbo 3. The winning balls were; 81-84-18-72-55 (Extra 6-(64), Extra 7-(73).

A total payment of eight million, seven hundred and forty-eight million New Leones (NLe8,740,000,000) or eight billion, seven hundred and forty-eight million Old Leones (Le 8,740,000,000) were made to over fourteen thousand, seven hundred and seventy  (14,770) customers in a single individual draw, which includes a 50% bonus for all lucky winners.