Mohamed Omodu Kamara, widely known as Jagaban, has called for peace and unity within the All People’s Congress (APC), emphasizing that internal conflicts within the APC are self-inflicted rather than caused by external opposition.

He called for solidarity and mutual support, asserting that only the APC could resolve the issues facing Sierra Leone.

Jagaban was speaking at the Hessen Nordrhein-Westfalen APC Chapter fundraising event in Germany last weekend.

Highlighting the critical role of the Diaspora, Mr Kamara urged them to lead the charge in ensuring that APC return to power. He spoke about the importance of leadership and the transmission of principles, citing examples from religious figures like Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammad. His message was clear: “unity and perseverance are essential”.

He reiterated that the Jagaban family was an integral part of the APC family, underscoring the importance of solidarity within the party. “We are all one family; there is no separation,” he declared.

During the event, the District and Chapter Executives of Germany recognized Jagaban for honouring their invitation and for his extensive philanthropic activities.

In a moment of symbolic unity, Mohamed Omodu Kamara invited Madam Cassandra, the Diaspora Women’s Leader, and Madam Famata Bonika to join him on stage, where the crowd celebrated with dance and joy.

In a generous gesture, Jagaban donated US$10,000 to the fundraising event, championing the motto: “One Germany, one APC.” He re-emphasized the unity of all APCians: “insie APC we all na wan fambul”.