The newly appointed Director General of Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority (SLCAA), Madam Musayeroh Barrie, has assumed office and is set to make some remarkable improvements to the Aviation Industry in Sierra Leone

Madam Barrie said she was very excited to have received the appointment by President Bio as she was happy to serve her country in any capacity.

“Having worked at FNA for about a decade now, I am happy to be the new Director General of SLCAA, where I believe I will contribute to make immense contribution to the industry as we work to improve the airport as well as increase flights coming into Sierra Leone,” she noted.

Madam Barrie averred that she worked with the previous SLCAA administration and that they did well to improve the airport, adding that she would pick up from where they stopped and would try all she could to do more for the airport.

“SLCAA was established by an Act of Parliament (the Civil Aviation Act, 2008) in April 2008 to provide for an independent professional oversight of international and domestic air transport and cargo services in compliance with international agreements and obligations relating to Civil Aviation. The establishment of the SLCAA came about after the mandatory Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) conducted by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in May 8–12, 2006 and discovered that Sierra Leone was completely deficient in all eight critical elements that were audited,” she noted.

Madam Barrie said the airport had every potential to improve by bringing in more flights as they would be working with the government to see how they could make ticket prices be competitive to meet other airports in the sub-region.

She said she already knew most of the staff and that she believed she would enjoy working with them in the coming years as they work for a better airport with more passengers and flights in the coming weeks and months.

“I want to use this platform to thank His Excellency Brig. Rtd. Julius Maada Bio for giving me this herculean task to serve as Director General of SLCAA, and also thank those who came out to support me. With commitment and humility, I promise to serve my people and help President Bio in achieving his big five game changes in my capacity as Director General of SLCAA.” She stated.

Madam Musayeroh Barrie was the Country Director of Westminster, a British company that is providing security at Freetown International Airport. She has a wealth of experience working at the airport, and many people who this medium spoke to believe that she was the right person for the job.