By Amara Rogers


The Office of the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice in Sierra Leone remains the bedrock for upholding the principles of justice, good governance, and peace in Sierra Leone.

A whispering department with little noise delivering on key reforms and transformatory laws and policies upgrading Sierra Leone on the global legal community; this Office is also bringing justice for and to the good people of Sierra Leone.

Over the past two years, I have been impressed by the Ministry’s focused on  addressing various challenges such as crimes, human rights violations, security threats, violence, protecting women and girls etc, whilst also prosecuting state crimes which tends to threaten our peaceful coexistence as a country.

His Excellency Brigadier (Rtd) Julius Maada Bio has emphatically made it clear, on various platforms, the significance of a robust justice institution and has registered his unwavering commitment to the rule of law.

At the State Opening of the Second Session of the Sixth Parliament, the President elucidated on his confidence in the justice system as he spotlights the progress made in protecting and promoting rights and freedoms and laying measures and policies that support our development as a secure and stable country.

The learned Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Mohamed Lamin Tarawalley, has made immense progress in upholding the principles of justice and accountability.  He carries a quiet and unassuming demeanor with a firm fist. He is a focused performer and a result-oriented personality who derives satisfaction in ensuring that the rule of law is respected by all regardless of status as a citizen of Sierra Leone and also making certain that justice is served freely and impartially.

He is a team player who has carried his team confidently to countless glories in the Ministry as he respects and acknowledges his teams’ hard work and support. Together, they (the Deputy Minister of Justice, the Solicitor General, the Director of Public Prosecutions and the First Parliamentary Counsel) have built a formidable team of skillful and prudent prosecutors at the Law Officers’ Department.

This has been evident by the level of dedication, thorough investigation, and impartial prosecution, which has a proven track record by the rulings of state prosecuted matters. This is a classical display of teamwork led by a committed Minister of Justice.

The Justice Ministry is a pillar of hope; reassuring that the dispensation of Justice and the protection of our rights as citizens is for every Sierra Leonean.

The Office of the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice is an exemplary Ministry which has complimented the efforts of President Julius Maada Bio and his vision for the Justice Sector in Sierra Leone.

As the President continues to repose his confidence and trust in this Ministry, I believe there is so much more to be delivered by the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice who remains steadfast in his pursuit to making Justice—a  bedrock for  sustainable development and peace in Sierra Leone.