By Lemuella Tarawallie


The leadership of Parliament and some Civil Society activists last Wednesday launched ParlCSONeT at the State Hall of Parliament, Tower Hill, in Freetown.

ParlCSONeT is a Parliament-Civil Society Organisations Network that comprises the leadership of Parliament and 52 Civil Society Organisations. It aim is to promote transparency, accountability, and good governance within Parliament-Civil Society participatory legislative processes.

During the launch the Executive Director of the Institute of Governance Reform (IGR), Andrew Lavalie who also doubled as the chairperson of the occasion in his opening remarks, stated that it was very important for Parliament and Civil Society to come together to form a network. He added that both were going to be useful because “an effective parliament is a parliament that uses information effectively”.

Mr Lavalie said, “the launch of ParlCSONet is to see how Parliament and Civil Society activists can work together for transparency, accountability, and good governance for a better Sierra  Leone”.

The Acting Clerk of Parliament, Gilbert Basco Nhabay giving an overview of ParCSONeT, stated that the launching of ParlCSONeT was the climax “after the signing of a communiqué between the Leadership of Parliament and the 52 CSOs which demonstrates commitment between them”.

Mr Bosco Nhabay said, “ParlCSONeT comprises different phases which are the resolution phase which includes the setting up of CSOs desk in Parliament; development of comprehensive CSOs–Parliament programmes; the establishment of accountability goals to strengthen legislative governance mechanisms, and also that of the relationship phase.”

The ParlCSONeT Steering Committee Member, Hon. Umu Pyne, stated that there had always been the need for a collaborative effort between parliament and Civil Society which had been a subject for discussion. She noted that, “the establishment of ParlCSOs bridges the gap between legislative proceedings and Civil Society engagement”.

She noted further that, “ParlCSONeT is not just a network but a symbol of collaborative result in promoting accountability and transparency in all aspects of governance through partnership”.

The Co-Chairperson of ParlCSONeT, Edmond Abu Jr., stated that the relationship between Parliamentarians and Civil Society activists could be referred to as “an unholy marriage that can be sweet and also bitter”. He noted that as Civil Society activists, they were going to channel their energy into something more productive and make parliament more productive.

The Deputy Leader II of the Minority Party, Hon. Daniel Koroma, stated that as parliamentarians they should do their best to support Civil Society activists and that they in return should not take political sides but that they should strike the balance. He encouraged Civil Society activists “to put Sierra Leone first”.

The Leader of Government Business, Hon. Matthew Nyumah, stated that “this pioneering initiative of ParlCSONeT marks a significant milestone in the collective journey between parliamentarians and the Civil Society activists who intent to work together as a family of Sierra Leone towards fostering good governance, transparency, and accountability”. He affirmed “Government’s support for this initiative”.

The Speaker of the House of Parliament, Hon. Solomon S. Thomas who officially launched ParlCSONeT, said in his keynote address that, “this groundbreaking initiative signifies not only a new chapter in our parliamentary effort towards enhancing good governance, transparency, and accountability but also promotes partnership in our parliament and the dynamic Civil Society of our beloved nation”.

Speaker Hon. Solomon S. Thomas stated that, “the establishment of ParlCSONeT is a testament to our shared commitment to create impacts where Civil Society can constructively engage in parliamentary processes to ensure the voices of their people are heard.”

He noted that, “ParlCSONet is a bold step in fostering an inclusive governance framework where transparency and accountability are not just in theory but in practical reality”.