By Sylvanus Fornah Koroma (What A Man!) 


Sierra Leoneans are perturbed by the recent outburst of several infamous statements from the mouth of the Chief Minister, Dr David Sengeh. Speculations suggest that ever since David Sengeh cut off his dreadlocks, he has rapidly declined in the quality of everything he says and does.

Many of his political party followers are now resentful of his talks and attitude towards governance in Sierra Leone. However, David Sengeh’s boss, who also doubles as his political party leader, is yet to realize that David is not liked by most of their party membership as per my Gallup poll. This can be put to test for verification. Many Sierra Leoneans view David’s appointment as the Chairman of the Constitutional Review Committee of the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP), endorsed by the Leader, Julius Maada Bio, as an affront and disrespect to all the legal luminaries within the SLPP. People ask: ‘Are the lawyers in the SLPP no longer competent to serve in their domain within the party’?

Before going further, I urge all investigative journalists and other interested parties to uncover and identify the churches and mosques that visited the State House for prayers on Saturday 27th April 2024, marking the 63rd Independence Day anniversary. This request is of utmost importance, and it is crucial for the public to be informed and even participate in investigating the churches and mosques accused by Dr David Sengeh of electricity theft, resulting in unpaid dues to the Electricity Distribution Supply Authority(EDSA).This has led tothe government’s inability to settle its debts with electricity suppliers Karpowership and others.

Dr David Moinina Senge, trained at Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, seems to have developed a sense of superiority that led him to equate himself and the other members of the government to Jesus Christ. In Krio, he said, “E lek Jesus Christ kam, the country go dae usai e dae. And it’s really hard to say…,” which translate to ‘Truth be told, even with Jesus Christ, the country Sierra Leone would not progress.’ This statement implies an acceptance of governmental failure, aligning him with Alpha Saidu Bangura, a staunch SLPP supporter who first acknowledged SLPP’s failures.

Christians and Muslims revere Jesus Christ as a supernatural being capable of achieving the seemingly impossible. However, David Sengeh arrogantly believes that if he and the government cannot succeed; neither can anyone else, including Jesus Christ. Such a statement could be considered blasphemous in certain contexts, yet the clergy and members of churches and mosques have remained silent. One must wonder about the reasons behind this silence, especially given that David Sengeh made this statement shortly after inviting these religious institutions for prayers at State House. His statement shows a lack of respect for God and these major faiths in Sierra Leone.

Sierra Leoneans should engage in investigations regarding the clergies present at State House for the Independence Day Anniversary prayers on Saturday, April 27, 2024, to understand the allegations of electricity theft made by the Minister. It’s possible that the clergies representing these institutions are among those involved in the electricity theft David is hesitant to name.

An arrogant person exhibits an inflated sense of importance, often belittling others and believing they are always right. Dr David Moinina Sengeh fits this description as he compared himself to Jesus Christ, implying limitations even on the capabilities of a revered figure. In a recent press conference, he claimed to be data-driven and evidence-based, yet his actions seem deceptive. If he is truly evidence-based, he would provide evidence of the alleged electricity theft instead of leaving people to speculate.

Moreover, he would support calls for the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone (ECSL) to fulfil its duties by publishing and gazetting the June 2023 multi-tier elections results, rather than obstructing these efforts alongside others like Dr Emmanuel Gaima and the Minister of Information Chernor Bah.

An arrogant person is someone known to be exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one’s own worth or importance often in an overbearing manner. Also, an arrogant person is one showing an offensive attitude of superiority. An arrogant person is someone who has an inflated sense of their importance, abilities, or accomplishments and often looks down on others or believes they are always right.

From the above description of who an arrogant person is, I will say that Dr David Moinina Sengeh is one of the most arrogant ministers in Sierra Leone. He has compared himself to Jesus Christ that Jesus Christ cannot do anything beyond what he (David) and his team in government have done so far.