This is what the Universities Act, 2021 states:

Section 46(1)

For the purpose of conferring degrees on the University and of awarding degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic awards and for other academic purposes, there shall be held under the auspices of the Court, a meeting of the University, which shall be called a Congregation.

(2) A Congregation for the conferment of degrees shall be held at least once every year at such time and place as shall be decided by the Court; and the degrees and other academic awards shall be presented by the person presiding.

(3) A Congregation shall include the Minister and shall be presided over by the Chancellor or in the absence of the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor and Principal shall preside; in the absence of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, the Pro Vice-Chancellor shall preside and in the absence of the Pro Vice-Chancellor a Deputy Vice-Chancellor, nominated by the Court, shall preside.

(4) The procedure for summoning a Congregation and for the presentation of graduands for conferring degrees in and for all other matters relating to Congregations shall be determined by the Court.

Therefore, any Congregation ceremony held by a so-called committee set up by any entity outside the provisions of the Universities Act, 2021 is null and void because the so-called Oversight Committee has no legitimacy in law.  

About the supremacy of the University Court to administer public universities:

Section 11(2)

The Court shall be the highest administrative authority of the University to which the Chancellor shall report annually concerning the working of the University.

Section 11(3)

Subject to this Act, the Court shall exercise all the powers and authority of the University, except on purely academic matters for which it shall receive recommendations from the Senate and any other body established by law for the purpose.