The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Sierra Leone, His Excellency WANG Qing, is expected to pay a courtesy call tomorrow (Wednesday 6 September 2023) to the Management of the University of Management and Technology (UNIMTECH), at Kissy Dockyard, in Freetown.

The Ambassador’s visit is in response to an invitation to the Chinese Embassy by Professor Osman Sankoh (Mallam O.) who recently joined UNIMTECH as Deputy Vice Chancellor for Administration, responsible also for Research, Innovation and Development.

Prof. Sankoh intends to showcase UNIMTECH as a shining example of private investment in the tertiary education sector to augment Government’s efforts to provide quality tertiary education to the people of Sierra Leone.

It will be recalled that Prof. Sankoh’s strides for institutional transformation have been demonstrated at Statistics Sierra Leone (Stats SL) where he was Statistician General and CEO for five years and at Njala University where he was simultaneously the Acting Vice Chancellor and Principal for one-and-half years.

It is worthy of note that the Chinese Embassy provided support to both Stats SL and Njala University during Prof. Sankoh’s tenure.