By Mohamed K. Turay



A delegation from Sierra Leone, comprising three prominent civil society and media advocates for health service delivery in Sierra Leone, are currently in Abuja, the Federal Republic of Nigeria, attending a four-day African Health and Security Budget Summit organized by the African Health and Budget Network (AHBN).

Mohamed K. Turay a senior reporter from The Nationalist newspaper, David Joseph Alieu the Project Officer of AHBN/Health Alert-Sierra Leone COVID-19 project, and Madam Juliet Anderson the Chairperson of CSM and Co-chair of RMNCAH CSO Coalition, departed Sierra Leone on Sunday 13th August 2023 to participate in the summit.

The summit attracted other Civil Society and media delegates from Senegal, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda, Zimbabwe, and Sierra Leone.

The presentation delivered by the Sierra Leone Team Lead, David Joseph Alieu, contains reports on COVID-19 and other identified health-related issues affecting the country before and after COVID-19 was declared as a global pandemic.

His presentation, with supports from two of his colleagues, attracted the attention of many local and international health organizations including other journalists present. It also provides an opportunity for other CSOs and the media from other countries to learn a lot from Sierra Leoneโ€™s expertise.

Delegates from other countries, and the donor host for the project, commended the good work of Health Alert-Sierra Leone for its exemplary performance in the implementation of the said project in Sierra Leone.