The African Health Budget Initiative has extended an invitation to Mr Mohamed K. Turay, a Senior Reporter of The Nationalist newspaper, to attend this year’s “African Regional Advocacy Summit” in Abuja, the capital city of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and the media.

The summit, which is funded by the Ford Foundation and COPASAH, is scheduled to take place at the AHBN Building, No. 630 Ogwu James Crescent, Wayne District in Abuja, from August 15 to 18.

With the theme: “Capacity building, peer learning and exchange on accountability for domestic resources mobilization for health security and system in Africa”; the summit is expected to attract participants from Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Kenya and Cameroon.

Mr Mohamed K. Turay was invited because of his unwavering contribution to the reporting on health issues in Sierra Leone for the past 10 years.