The Minister of Local Government and Community Affairs, Ambassador Tamba Lamina, together with the Minister of Trade and Industry, Hinga Sandy, have met with residents of Koya Chiefdom to inform them about the Government’s plan to establish a special Economic Zone in their chiefdom.

The Government of Sierra Leone has partnered with ARISE Integrated Industrial Platforms (ARISE IIP) a company that designs, finances, conceives and operates industrial ecosystems across African Countries to establish a special Economic Zone in Sierra Leone and Koya Chiefdom in the Port Loko District was identified to be  the first Location.

“The vision of President Bio is to make sure that industries are spread across the country, but he has prioritized Koya Chiefdom to be the first point of call for same. This simply means, the Government through its partner (ARISE IPP) is going to establish different manufacturing industries in this chiefdom which would create job opportunities for thousands of your people and also boost economic activities for you,” Ambassador Tamba Lamina announced to the gathering while stating the purpose of their visit to Chiefdom.

He assured that the benefits that surround the establishment of the special Economic Zone in the said chiefdom would surpass the airport which the past Government intended to construct therein. He appealed to the residents to work with their Paramount Chief as every process including agreements and documentations of the establishment would be as transparent as possible.

In his statement the Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Edward Hinga Sandy, said President Bio had a special interest in Koya Chiefdom which was why he chose there for the establishment of his farm land and secondly, the fact that he identified the same chiefdom to start his dream of establishing the special Economic Zone in Sierra Leone is another manifestation of his love for them.

He continued that the special Economic Zone would be the first in Sierra Leone after the formation of the policy and that the drive was geared towards increasing export and foreign exchange. He added that the partner of Government in the said establishment was well-known in Africa for such investments and that it was his belief that ARISE IPP would hit the ground running.

In his remarks Paramount Chief Kompa Bomboli III of Koya Chiefdom expressed gratitude on behalf of his Chiefdom residents to the Government for such a manifestation of love to his Chiefdom. He added that he had always told his subjects that President Bio was going to make Koya Chiefdom his retirement home owing to the fact that he had his farm land there.

He continued by highlighting the benefits that his Chiefdom would stand to gain when the special Economic Zone would have been established in their community and called on all his subjects to support President Bio for a better future for Koya and Sierra Leone.