By Hassan Y. Koroma

Omrie Golley, the former Sierra Leone Ambassador to South Korea, last Saturday in Pujehun town, southern Sierra Leone, officially joined the race to be the flagbearer of the All People’s Congress (APC) for the 2023 Presidential Election.

During the declaration, Omrie Golley said he represented “A new energy, a new hope, a new optimism that will transform our country, that will make the kind of change we want to see a reality an inevitability”.

The former Sierra Leone Ambassador to South Korea noted that, “People want change, and they need someone they can trust to deliver a positive transformation of Sierra Leone”, adding that that personality which the people wanted was him.

He said he believed that he could bring “our party and our people together and lead our country to meet this challenge”, adding that, “I am therefore announcing today that I am standing to be the flagbearer for the APC, and the next President of Sierra Leone”.

Omrie Golley disclosed that, “I have been at one with the APC since the early 1990s. I have supported the party in good times and in difficult times. I continue to support the values of the party and have great respect for my brothers and sisters who have already declared their candidacy for flagbearer. But I believe the time has come for fundamental change – and I want to play my part to deliver that change”.