By Mohamed K. Turay

Former Minister of Transport and Aviation under the Ernest Bai Koroma-led administration, “Logus” Koroma, has called for unity among supporters of the All People’s Congress (APC).

He recently told party faithful in Kambia District, northern Sierra Leone, that every individual in the party was important and that what was expected of every comrade in the APC was to preach unity in their localities.

“Every vote counts and every district is important; therefore let us all serve as ambassadors of peace in our various Wards, Constituencies, Districts as well as to  our respective Regions”, he told the crowd.

“Logus” Koroma stated that there were comrades within the party who were with the notion that there were certain districts that were less important “when it comes to the victory of the party come 2023”. He noted that this should be discouraged.

The former Minister of Transport and Aviation called on all aspiring flagbearers to respect and recognize each other “if we are to remove President [Julius Maada] Bio in the first round of the 2023 general elections”.