As part of his cooperate social responsibility the Chief Executive Officer of  Yeabu London Pharmaceutical SL Limited, Momoh Deen Conteh a descendant of  Tonkolili District, on 20 January 2023, embarked on a debate and quiz competition; targeting about 4,000 children.

At the end of the competition, winners would be provided with school learning materials worth millions of Leones.

Speaking to this medium, Momoh Deen Conteh said his dream for his fellow Sierra Leoneans was to support human capital, especially vulnerable children. He emphasized that he felt obliged to pay back to his mother’s land by giving back to society focusing on the education and health sectors.

Deen Conteh stated that, “being an educated person I want to see the young generation in Tonkolili District succeed in their academic work, which was the reason why he was providing them with school learning materials.

He emphasized that because of the passion he had for education, he had decided to stage the first-of-its-kind debate and quiz competitions for school-going pupils in that part of the country.

The debate and quiz competitions would be hosted at the Ernest Bai Koroma University of Science and Technology (EBK) Magburaka campus. At the end of the competition, Mr Conteh said winners would take home prizes like school packs, books, computers and Ipads while at the same time he would be providing them with refreshments.

The schools that are taking part are the Magburaka Boys Secondary School; Pampana High School; the Government Secondary School for Girls Mathora; Yonibana Secondary School(YSS), SDA Secondary School Yele, and  Bishop Secondary School.