The Sierra Leone Police (SLP) are said to have declared one Haruna Sorieba Kamara wanted for failing to avail himself to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) for a reported case of alleged murder.

According to reports, sometime in 2018 the suspect (Haruna Sorieba Kamara) of No. 41 Hagan Street in Freetown was involved in a love affair with one Jariatu Jalloh, the daughter of one Alhaji Abdulai Jalloh and decided to marry her. But the family of the woman reportedly refused such proposal because they wanted to maintain traditions for their daughter to marry to a family member which was against her wish.

It is reported that one day a family member met Jariatu in the suspect’s bedroom and decided to report the matter to other members of the family, which sparked serious tensions leading to Sorieba being beaten until the intervention of some neighbours.

Despite that incident, Sorieba made several efforts to convince Jariatu’s family of his love for her and that he truly wanted to marry her. When her family came to know that despite their scolding, Jariatu was still visiting Sorieba’s house; they reported a case of “harboring” to the police who invited and detained Sorieba for four days.

Haruna Sorieba Kamara was only released after he reportedly made an undertaking that he would have nothing to do with Jariatu anymore.

After his release, he later decided to leave Freetown for Kambia, Magbema, in northern Sierra Leone. He was surprised, few weeks later, to see Jariatu who informed him that she was pregnant for him.

It is being alleged that after taking her to his house, he tried to inform Jariatu’s relatives in Freetown that she was with him but he was reportedly told that they would report him to the police that he had “harbored” their daughter again.

Knowing what the consequences would be, Sorieba was alleged to have convinced his girlfriend to abort the pregnancy. They reportedly went to a quack doctor who gave her some medicines to abort the pregnancy.

Unfortunately, the medicines given to Jariatu to abort the pregnancy led to constant stomach pains which later led to her untimely death.

Upon the death of Jariatu, Haruna Sorieba Kamara fled to neighbouring Guinea and nothing has been heard from him since then.

It could be recalled that Haruna Sorieba Kamara, who was working at the Connaught Hospital in Freetown as a nurse and owned a pharmacy, served as a party agent for the All People’s Congress (APC) in the 2018 general elections and was accused by the then main opposition party (SLPP) of electoral malpractices.